(203) 762-6163 ems.ins.fc@gmail.com

Emergency Medical Technician

TRAINing Classes


Start your career in  Emergency Medical Services with our 12-week EMT Training Courses. We’ll help you prepare for just about anything. 

Accelerated EMT

In just 6 weeks, this rigorous class will give you the knowledge, skills and confidence for your EMT certification exam.


You’re essential and we know it. So take a deep breath and enroll in an EMT refresher course.  We’ll help you keep up the good work.


The American Heart Association trusts us with your life.  Strangers trust our graduates with theirs. We’re that good. Trust us.


The EMS Institute of Fairfield County offers American Heart Association courses in Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS), Advanced Life Support, CPR, Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS), and Basic Life Support (BLS). We also offer the EMT-Basic course three times per year along with EMT refreshers, C.N.A. certifications and more.


An 18-week intensive college-level course for EMT Certification.  Course topics include the new certification requirements in Mental Health First Aid. 


Cover 150 hours of intense training in a 12 week session.


Keep your credentials current.


EMT classes are held three times a year:

Spring class begins at the end of January and completes in the middle of April.

Summer class is accelerated and begins at the end of June and completes in the middle of August.

Fall class begins at the end of September and completes in the middle of December.

Tuition & Fees

Our courses qualify for Pell Grants, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants and the GI Bill. Some employers will also reimburse tuition for EMT Training.

Tuition must be paid in full no later than the first night of class. A student is not considered enrolled in the program until tuition is paid in full. Tuition may be paid by bank check, money order, certified check, cash or credit card. (cc payment with 5% transaction fee)

All forms of payment are accepted up until 7 days before the class begins. All payments after that time are only accepted in the form of cash only. ($60 non-refundable deposit is due with your application)


We’re always available by phone or email to answer your questions.  We’ve collected a few of our favorites here to save you some time.

Where can I work with my EMT certification?

As a certified EMT you’ll be able to find employment Emergency Room, Doctor’s Offices, Wilderness and Ski Patrol, 911, Transport Service and more.

Many of our graduates also become EMT volunteers in their communities.

Who takes EMT Training?

People of all ages register for the EMT course. High school students (age 16 and older), people who want to change their career path, College students, people who just want more medical knowledge that they can get in less than 3 months. 


What happens after I pass your State Approved Course?
You must take and pass the State Practical Exam, and the National Registry Written Exam. Once you pass those two exams, you will be an EMT.




9 + 13 =


Rainbow Plaza
205 Main St
Norwalk, CT 06851

(203) 762-6163
